About Us
- Management Recruiting – search for a new Managing Director to help you transition towards retirement. We will search for a suitable business manager, create the Job Description, Letter of Employment contract and liaise with all parties.
Our minders work with the owner on the engagement of a new Managing Director through the creation of:
- Job Descriptions
- Employment Contracts are prepared by a solicitor
- Engage recruitment company, set fees
- Interview Candidates, shortlist and engage
- Induction Pack prepared
- Induction, training and handover
- Sale of Business – prepare the business for sale. Sometimes unforeseen matters arise such as a terminal illness, sudden death or a family breakdown. Your Business Minder works within the business to improve and position the business for sale, engage a business broker, advertise and liaise with all parties.
The business minding service allows us to look at the business holistically so we can make improvements to the business ensuring it is well positioned for new management or to be sold.
Business Minders are pivotal in helping the owner gain maximum sale price with the sale of the business by:
- Engaging a business broker to broker the sale on behalf of the owner
- Review of all Job Descriptions, employment agreements, salaries, superannuation contributions
- Balance Sheet, P & L, Financial Statements to be prepared and checked by Accountant
- Transition, training and handover to new owners